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      A Soldier Comes Home.

      Every so often I get to be a part of something that moves me to tears.  For instance watching a soldier come home for leave and seeing him embrace his wife and children after far too long away.    The babies he left are now toddlers, able to run to him.  The little girls who anxiously awaited their father’s arrival with home made signs.  The passers-by who couldn’t look away and smile to themselves.   His beautiful wife, now pregnant with their fifth.  I got to watch as the long distance phone calls could at last become embraces.  Then I watched as this soldier became so overwhelmed by the magnitude of the moment that his own eyes welled up.  But he is home and he is safe and sound.  Thank God.

      It’s these moments that remind me of what is important in my own life and just how much each of these families sacrifice for us.  I am in awe of their strength and deeply honored to be a part of their lives.

      Here’s a select few….

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      Shari, these are just the greatest photo, WOW, wonderful, you ought to take up photography, lol. Hope you and Marty are doing fine, beautiful photos. Don



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