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      Family Lifestyles Photography in Cherry Hill, NJ.

      I had the absolute pleasure of spending a couple hours with Lori, Eli and Ari the other night. As part of my ongoing commitment to OpLove (www.oplove.org) I went to their home and spent some time in their world…. you know, just hanging with the boys, their dad’s uniform and oh yeah mom’s tickles. Ahh. I almost forgot, Grandma and Grandpa too!

      These two boys have the most amazingly beautiful curly hair. I am completely enamored by these two. I’m also reminded of the very difficult challenges that face families who have a loved one serving overseas. The wives and mothers who say goodbye and never knowing when they’ll see each other next. My gratitude towards these families and my amazement by their strength and courage makes this one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

      I’d also like to take just a moment to wish the entire family a Happy Hanukkah.

      Here’s a selection of some of the images from our session.



      Shari, my dear friend!
      What a fantastic and very enjoyable set. This session must have been a lot of fun and life confirming. They look to be a bit of a handful 😉
      But as usual the images are flawless!

      Take care



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